Hosting a NAUCC
The North American Unicycling Convention and Championships (NAUCC) is an annual week-long event held in the summer, typically July, to promote unicycling. This guide has been created to assist with planning, promoting, and hosting. It is not a substitute for the rulebook. Nor is it the intent of the guide to create a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all set of requirements. Each venue is distinct and each set of organizers will undoubtedly have a better approach. Just as the world of unicycling has changed over time, so will this guide. The best events are those in which hosts are able to tap into their creativity and make a unique, fulfilling experience for everyone.
A quote from a number of years ago still resonates today:
“For me, the best part of this event [NAUCC] was the people….I love the unicycling community and the willingness of all to assist each other with true caring. Thank you to all who attended, for making this event a heart-warming memory.”
The mix of people PLUS what the organizers provide – the venue, logistics, local knowledge, and structure – is what creates a truly great North American unicycling community event.
Ideas for enhancing experience might include:
- Providing registration and housing to current world champions
- Providing registration to low income residents in the venue
History of NAUCC
In the past, NAUCC has gone by a number of different names including National Unicycle Invitational (NUI), National Unicycle Meet (NUM), and National Unicycle Convention (NUC). It was held first in 1971 in New York City.
10 Steps in a nutshell
Step 1: Attend a NAUCC and read over the USA Rulebook.
Step 2: Create a NAUCC Committee to help with planning. Expect to meet at least monthly during the planning phase.
Step 3: Consider your venues.
The required events include:
- Track Racing – 400 meter track venue (indoor or outdoor) with at least 6 lanes with metric measurements
- Road Racing – outdoor, rider-safe paths/roadways, generally 10k and full marathon
- Muni (Mountain Unicycling) – generally held on mountain bike trails that offer varying lengths and difficulty
- Cyclocross - Typically a large open area in an urban park
- Freestyle – indoor gym with a second gym for practice
- Flatland – 11m X 14m smooth, paved outdoor area with additional space for spectators and judges
- Trials – large outdoor area which provides plenty of room for multiple obstacles
- Team Games – basketball (multiple courts) and hockey (multiple rinks)
Step 4: Select NAUCC dates based upon venue availability AND the following guidelines:
- On Unicon years (even numbered years), early- to mid-July
- On non-Unicon years (odd numbered years), late July
Note that registration numbers are generally much higher on non-Unicon years; therefore it is recommended that new hosts choose non-Unicon years in which to host.
Step 5: Contact the USA Board with your intent to host ~1.5 years prior to the desired host date. Ask for a USA liaison to oversee all aspects of planning. Prepare a short presentation for USA members, and be prepared to present your basic plans (possible dates/venues, for example) at the NAUCC prior to the desired host date.
Step 6: Work with USA liaison to create a budget and registration fees.
- The USA, Inc. can establish a startup fund for any NAUCC, if requested, as some venues require payment prior to NAUCC registration.
- Create a timeline for registration dates, staffing, and materials.
Step 7: Create a NAUCC website that offers NAUCC registration payments.
Step 8: Find (or ask the USA to find) experienced folks for the following roles:
- Registration
- Merchandise
- Awards
- Website
- Workshops
- Volunteers
- Food availability during events
- Lodging
- Program Book
- Advertisement
- Fun rides
- Final Dinner/Awards Ceremony/Raffle/Public Show
- NAUCC Logo for T-shirts and Awards
- Track
- Road
- Muni
- Freestyle
- Flatland
- Trials
- Basketball
- Hockey
Step 9: One or 2 months prior to NAUCC:
- Order awards and T-shirts/merchandise
- Secure insurance certificates
- Finalize final dinner, lodging, program book, etc.
- Be sure all officials are in place
Step 10: Just prior to NAUCC and during NAUCC:
- Handle all emergencies; expect to drop-the-ball a few times. (No one is perfect.) When a crisis arrives, contact the USA liaison.