Directors are the people responsible for ensuring that a set of competitions run correctly and smoothly. They are not necessarily the chief judge or an expert competitor in this type of unicycling, but they should be familiar with the competition type. They are responsible for ensuring that they have all of the necessary roles filled and that the competitions run smoothly.
It is the director’s job to be the ultimate decision maker for questions about a competition/competition result. They are encouraged to solicit advise from other people/organizers, but ultimately it is their decision.
Note You cannot directly contradict what is written in the rulebook, and thus must be aware of the relevant rulebook sections.
The director for each event is critical to its smooth functioning
They need to be good at communicating and sharing information
They must be present at the competition for the whole duration of each competition.
- They must be findable, and volunteers must know who the director is, in order to ask/answer questions.
They should be present at the main competition area at least an hour before the competition begins, until the competition is completed.
If possible, they should never leave the main competition/gathering area, so that they remain coordinating things. Delegate tasks to other volunteers as much as possible.
If they must leave for some reason (e.g. to perform some task no one else can be trusted to do), they should leave a trusted/visible volunteer in charge at the main area. This trusted lieutenant should be able to answer most questions.
If they must leave, they should still be contactable by cell phone, so that questions can be answered quickly.
The rules of the event must be followed
Depending on the event, the rulebook may provide multiple options for the rules which can be followed. The director should choose which set of rules will be followed, and should help communicate this clearly. (Ideally this will also be on the website in some way, as well as in the program book).
If there are any convention-specific rules which will be in effect, they should be well-publicized, and provided well in advance.
The results of some events qualify competitors for subsequent events (e.g. the top 6 finishers of Advanced are eligible for the Elite competition).
- The number and way of choosing these competitors should be decided well in advance, and should be included in communication.
What is the location of the event?
- Have they been there, and confirmed with the venue that they able to perform the event at that location?
When are they arriving at the convention? (for unicon, for example)
Where will they be staying?
Are you providing them with a local cell phone?
If they have their own phone, what is the phone number?
Can you share that list of phone #’s with all directors?
What is their email address?
- Are they set up in the UDA system to be able to manage the events?
Are they aware of the awards schedule for their events?
Are they responsible for having someone announce the awards?
Present the awards?
Each director is responsible for the results until they are officially entered into the results system.
Any score sheets, or other intermediate results data is to be their responsibility
Any protests which arise after the results are published are also the responsibility of the director. They must be informed of the protest, and must work to resolve it. They are responsible for describing the result of the protest to the original person.
Each Director usually will be given a “staff” shirt
- They should wear this shirt during the days/times at which they are performing their events. They should not wear the shirt on days when they are not performing these duties